No worries, if the motor is less than two years old it’s still under warranty- I’d try and get it replaced by Bosch before getting it refurbished by PLB.
Even if it’s older than 2 years Bosch might offer you a good deal on replacement so do try and get on your dealer’s case about it.
(if it’s a bike for commercial use the warranty is just 1 year, but still try and go the Bosch route first)
Have you checked all the usual stuff already? Chain wear / tension prob being the main offender for annoying noises coming from that area.
Strange whirring or banging noises from the Bosch drive unit itself usually means it’s on the way out. At work a bike used daily could fairly predictably destroy the motor within 6months to a year. (Gen2 motors that is)
I’d advise you go to your Bosch dealer, they’ll diagnose and if it’s on the way out will initiate the necessary procedure with Bosch to get it swapped out. in advance try and get a nice clear video recording with good sound.
If you bought it second hand / it’s ancient / there are no dealers nearby, all is not lost, as performance line bearings will be able to repair the common issues with Bosch motors. And offer a year warranty on the service. I’ve used them multiple times and they’ve been really great. You’ll just need to remove the motor by yourself (should be videos on yt or I can advise via dm)
You can keep using the bike it may just get gradually worse and worse. Stay out of turbo to increase longevity