Sorry - meant to reply to @user69121
Shipment from the EU will be charged import VAT at a rate of 20% of declared value, but whatever handling fee the shipper uses. You can easily find that out by calling whatever shipper you're using.
You won't pay anything if value is under the personal limit of £135.
As a nice twist, if you're buying from a VAT registered business in the EU you can ask them to bill you without VAT (19% in Germany) then you'll pay 20% on import so only end up paying an extra 1%. If it's an individual you're buying from this doesn't apply.
Insurance value doesn't have to be connected to customs value, but depending on what shipper you use it may have to be.
But, don't declare for under value. Aside from it being illegal, tax evasion is for cunts. You don't ask shops to not charge VAT and this is exactly the same.
Let’s say I buy a frame off eBay from Germany for £400.
Any finger in the air estimates on additional customs charges I may incur on that?