20mm is thick though. Maybe wet cut would have been better, I find wet cut keep the dust down which helps my concentration. A steady hand and grinder are essential, not always easy if you're working at ground level.
I'm used to hiding as many cut edges as possible. Trying to make them look like a machine cut edge is beyond anything I've ever achieved.
So the bridge saw arrived this morning as planned. I had to take it apart to get it through the house to the garden. Rebuilt it and went to put the blade in and it turns out they'd sent it out with a metal blade 🙄. Gave them a call and they rang round a bunch of depots and managed to track down a porcelain blade in Canning Town. It took the fella 2 hours to get to my house in Catford, by which time it was nearly 2pm. I fitted the blade and...it's shit. Took nearly 20 mins to cut through 1 tile. Called them up again and they're trying to track down another blade, said they'd call back. They didn't. Let's hope they sort this shit out tomorrow otherwise it's going back and I'll crack on with the wobbly angle grinder.
Trying to make them look like a machine cut edge is beyond anything I've ever achieved.
I imagine the only way to do this would be to cut proud and hone back. I don't have the time or patience for that!
Yeah both blades I have are dry cut for porcelain specifically. I think a large part of the problem is my FIL’s angle grinders has been used and abused and the bearings are a bit knackered so the blade’s chattering a bit.
I’ve hired a bridge saw for tomorrow as I can’t keep a straight line with the angle grinders, so we’ll see how I get in with that.