• I realise not all readers keep Ruislip at the forefront of their thoughts.

    Let's start here,
    add this.

    That brings everyone up to date as of the end of 2020.

    Deadline: 25th anniversary of Ruislip Woods National Nature Reserve; May 2022.
    30 acres of woodland that has been scarcely managed for 80 years.
    We have successive 5-Year Management Plans, to which Natural England give Consent,
    so they know that we have improved the habitat and biodiversity within the existing 725 acres.

    We need a Natural England survey, to see where we are starting from.
    They are happy to arrange a site visit, except,
    for further Covid restrictions delaying, for months, the actual, physical visit.
    July 2021 Natural England survey received.
    The Natural England survey agrees with our observations,
    and recommendations:
    remove the invasive species, (Cherry Laurel and Holly),
    reintroduce coppicing, to let some sunlight reach the woodland floor,
    re-establish the bridlepaths, (deadhedges of removed material to define the boundary),
    and limit the spread of the variegated Yellow Archangel and lesser periwinkle.

    Colne Valley Groundwork helped with some of the removal,
    with a functional works team funded by the
    Natural Connections project grant from the Green Recovery Fund.
    LB Hillingdon Green Spaces team and the Ruislip Woods Mid-week volunteers
    have worked in the 30 acre purchase nearly every Autumn/Winter week.

    Email received from our contact at Natural England last week.
    Checked I could share the contents.

    Permission received:
    Natural England are lining up the Declaration team,
    to ensure the 30 Acre purchase can be incorporated into
    Ruislip Woods National Nature Reserve on our 25th anniversary in May!

  • We need a Natural England survey, to see where we are staring from.

    Wouldn't that rather show where Natural England are staring from? :)
