Something off topic, but I'm hopeful that some of you specialists will be able to help. I bought this frame on spec. without knowing anything about it. My guess is late 40's early 50's - it's very similar in construction to my brazed Ephgrave from 1948 and 1948 Hobbs of Barbican Criterium, except both of these have a seat tube collar. The head badge/decal looks like 'lond..' so could be a London maker, frame number 22 so early in career or near the end! Super light frame, forks match the frame number. Anyone out there able to hazard a guess as to the maker? I'd like to restore, so finding a good image for Lloyds to copy the decal would be great. Any help out there?Ta. C
Something off topic, but I'm hopeful that some of you specialists will be able to help. I bought this frame on spec. without knowing anything about it. My guess is late 40's early 50's - it's very similar in construction to my brazed Ephgrave from 1948 and 1948 Hobbs of Barbican Criterium, except both of these have a seat tube collar. The head badge/decal looks like 'lond..' so could be a London maker, frame number 22 so early in career or near the end! Super light frame, forks match the frame number. Anyone out there able to hazard a guess as to the maker? I'd like to restore, so finding a good image for Lloyds to copy the decal would be great. Any help out there?Ta. C
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