Yesterday was such a blur. I've only just been able to sit down to take in what happened and go through all of the messages. It's crazy to think that I completed this challenge that i set myself. I want to thank you all for your support on the forum, it was also a pleasure to meet @alex_s and @jdp yesterday.
It's hard to put into words how i feel about finishing, it was such a big life commitment and it changed my whole routine for a year.
This challenge though wasn't about the cycling, my biggest achievement was opening up about my own mental health. I'm still struggling with this but I'm trying my best. What motivated me throughout was that I was raising money for CALM and awareness for men's mental health with suicide prevention. I feel that cycling this amount represented the daily struggle that i was going through when i was at my worst: the daily pain, exhaustion, not seeing friends/family enough and the difficulty to start each day. I'm proud to have finished this and that I've managed to raise so much money for charity.
I'm incredibly pleased to have documented this challenge through the forum and I'd love to join a ride in London at some point in the near future.
Yesterday was such a blur. I've only just been able to sit down to take in what happened and go through all of the messages. It's crazy to think that I completed this challenge that i set myself. I want to thank you all for your support on the forum, it was also a pleasure to meet @alex_s and @jdp yesterday.
It's hard to put into words how i feel about finishing, it was such a big life commitment and it changed my whole routine for a year.
This challenge though wasn't about the cycling, my biggest achievement was opening up about my own mental health. I'm still struggling with this but I'm trying my best. What motivated me throughout was that I was raising money for CALM and awareness for men's mental health with suicide prevention. I feel that cycling this amount represented the daily struggle that i was going through when i was at my worst: the daily pain, exhaustion, not seeing friends/family enough and the difficulty to start each day. I'm proud to have finished this and that I've managed to raise so much money for charity.
I'm incredibly pleased to have documented this challenge through the forum and I'd love to join a ride in London at some point in the near future.