Before I took all the paint off. To be fair it is looking better, this photo was 6 months ago. You can’t tell in the photo there is still some tide mark visible.
Looking back at the old photo I hadn’t realised it’s way better
Visible marks doesn't mean it's still damp necessarily. The damp will have moved anything soluble around with it which usually means you can still "see" it after it's dry.
unless the hairdryer just changed its appearance further. Maybe I'll repaint that section of wall and see if it comes through.
Meanwhile, I’ve decided to strip the paint from architraves and skirting. Was on extra thick, at least 3 layers and needed a repaint. Almost regretting my decision.
Before I took all the paint off. To be fair it is looking better, this photo was 6 months ago. You can’t tell in the photo there is still some tide mark visible.
Looking back at the old photo I hadn’t realised it’s way better