Here's a tasty looking inline. Fairly priced.
If you were to use the Thomson you have coming and wanted it silver, it is pretty easy dunking it in drain cleaner and polish it up using a drill and some pads and compound.
But whatever it looks great no matter.
Also you have loads og silver and black components mixed so it actually fits the build.
Just seen this in the classifieds.
I’m guessing this has had an attempt at removing the anodising.
How close to an og silver Thomson does a de-anodised black one get? I’d like to have it pretty close but thinking the grooved surface of Thomson posts might make a bright polished finish harder to achieve?
Got any photos of ones you’ve done?
Agreed. The USE is a bit garish .. I’d actually wrapped it in black electrical tape up to this point. 27.0 seat posts are a bitch to source. The Thomson inline I have coming is black as beggars can’t be choosers on ebay.