I wouldn't say the amount of protein is unimportant, even if protein deficiency isn't a concern, protein massively aids recovery from exercise and muscle building / muscle retention if losing weight. Banana blossom, jackfruit etc are great in terms of taste when treated right, but there are legit reasons to want a higher protein diet and it's annoying to me when vegan options that replicate meat flavour wise don't replicate meat nutritionally (I say this as a frequent consumer of these products).
this is why the Linda sausage is almighty // hallowed be thy Linda.
I had it two weeks ago.
I was just making fun though, but if a person goes to a fast food chain and buys ultra processed food, it’s either an informed choice and a compromise from a healthier diet or because that person doesn’t care about nutrition. Either way the amount of protein is unimportant since no one has ever been protein deficient on a non caloric restricted diet, and we should really focus much more on where people get their fibre from, or like you say, nutrients in general.