Hi - have only done a couple of 200km that Mark Rigby organises, always start and finish in Tewkesbury.
Did this 100km in sept last year - think it was The Teddy Bear's Picnic -
?privacy_code=ug6aHQQFAWpq6sP5There are quite a few perms around the Worcester and Malvern area too that I have yet to really research but are on the database on the audax uk website.
Tbh - currently looking through the Lost Lanes Wales and Borders book and seeing if any of those routes could be turned into a 100k DIY as I tried a 200k last weekend and had to bail due to bad knee/fitness/awful weather/foul mood after crap breakfast at first control in Bromsgrove. Lost Lanes Midlands is going to be out later this year too I think.
just catching up myself - any ones you recommend - looking for short 100km for now - I'm just in Oldbury, Birmingham so easy drive down the M5