Well - defunding the BBC seems to be detracting very nicely from partygate, so pretty well so far. I'm sure setting the Navy on asylum seekers will also do the job.
I find it really interesting that now that the supposed plan has been published, can it still be pulled off...
Despite Allegra Stratton resigning for laughing at the thought of describing parties as work events, they still went ahead with that. Shameless modus operandi - just stick with the lie for long enough that the news cycle moves on.
Well - defunding the BBC seems to be detracting very nicely from partygate, so pretty well so far. I'm sure setting the Navy on asylum seekers will also do the job.
Despite Allegra Stratton resigning for laughing at the thought of describing parties as work events, they still went ahead with that. Shameless modus operandi - just stick with the lie for long enough that the news cycle moves on.