There is that, for sure. That's why I said "style". I lol at the "I only connected one speaker but I imagine it would fill a room with both ..." I do find value in the DAC stuff though, only found the site while searching for a new dongle DAC/amp. Speakers have far too many variables to put much weight on measurements only.
Yeah, DAC stuff like I say understandable, but here's his summary of my amplifier:
Rogue Audio takes a perfectly serviceable Hypex UcD 180 amplifiers and adds copious amount of noise and distortion with its front-end. Mind you, despite use of the tube, it doesn't give that 2nd harmonic dominant result. It just raises the noise and distortion, robbing you of transparency. But hey, folks buy audio products by how many myths are included in their design and Rogue audio gets there with that tube stage. Perfect marketing, poor engineering. Story of high-end audio.
Needless to say, I can NOT recommend the Rogue Audio Sphinx V3. You can get plenty of better amplifiers for this level of money.But he didn't listen to it. Lol.
Na. It’s all bollucks over there mate. He doesn’t even listen to the equipment. It’s ridiculous. Maybe, maybe there’s an argument for his testing methods with DACs, but nothing else. Imagine reviewing an amplifier but never connecting it to speakers. Loooool. Would be like reviewing a restaurant from photos and never eating in there.