My winter / rain bike is a surly steamroller, it’s got a pair of PDW fenders, the middle one which are billed as taking up to 28mm tire, which is what I’ve been running since I got them.
The front rim is just about dead so as an interim measure I’ve switched over to another wheel which had 30mm tire, this fitted easily under the guard, I could probably get away with a 32mm tire by the look of it.
This is a bit of a revelation, checking the rear there is currently no way anything bigger will fit. However looking at this photo I reckon there is a but 3/4mm extra space if I can bodge a different brake bridge arrangement. I was thing a zip tie and some inner tube to stop the rattle. Is there any reason why this shouldn’t work. It might allow me the Clearance to run a 30mm tire. What do you think?
My winter / rain bike is a surly steamroller, it’s got a pair of PDW fenders, the middle one which are billed as taking up to 28mm tire, which is what I’ve been running since I got them.
The front rim is just about dead so as an interim measure I’ve switched over to another wheel which had 30mm tire, this fitted easily under the guard, I could probably get away with a 32mm tire by the look of it.
This is a bit of a revelation, checking the rear there is currently no way anything bigger will fit. However looking at this photo I reckon there is a but 3/4mm extra space if I can bodge a different brake bridge arrangement. I was thing a zip tie and some inner tube to stop the rattle. Is there any reason why this shouldn’t work. It might allow me the Clearance to run a 30mm tire. What do you think?
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