If you're coming back from a break from cycling I suspect the fasted training is particularly challenging as it is definitely something I have to work into.
If you don't have any other time to train, which I can definitely empathise with, then my routine looks like: Wake up -> drink 500ml water -> layer up for warm-up -> hydration drink + potential carbs if struggling with workout. If you have time for a slightly extended warmup then I find this beneficial too
If you're coming back from a break from cycling I suspect the fasted training is particularly challenging as it is definitely something I have to work into.
My understanding of the training manuals is that fasted is good for weight loss/threshold building, but best to avoid the higher intensity stuff. (https://www.trainerroad.com/blog/program-body-burn-fat-instead-store-fasted-training/)
If you don't have any other time to train, which I can definitely empathise with, then my routine looks like: Wake up -> drink 500ml water -> layer up for warm-up -> hydration drink + potential carbs if struggling with workout. If you have time for a slightly extended warmup then I find this beneficial too