the 'by date of death' is less dramatic, certainly trending up but unsure if its due to reporting lags?
Yes, look back in 4-5 days as it takes that long for (from memory) ~90% of the deaths to have been recorded by then (even longer around bank holidays). Some deaths take up to 30 days to appear, but that's usually only a very few.
The fact that this graph is already starting to trend up (even with this lag) is concerning.
Its logical tho and may not reflect what one may first think.
Considering that x amount of ppl are going to die at approx the same rate each year in a population then if a larger procentage of the population is infected with covid like we know is the case today then a larger part of the deaths are going to be counted in the covid death statistics.
So the number was expected to increase regardless if covid was the cause of the death or not sice many more ppl who were about to end their time here is now also infected with covid. If the number did not increase while infection rates were skyrocketing it would mean that less ppl died from covid then previously.
This will continue to be a problem till one can actually determine if covid was the cause or not and i presume thats a long way off.
Problem with that is that if we get a variant that will infect 100% of the population at the same time then all ppl who died will be filed as death with covid even if that particular variant perhaps is just a cold (not saying this one is btw). Statistics..
the 'by date of death' is less dramatic, certainly trending up but unsure if its due to reporting lags?
fingers crossed that is the worst of it