I used to do everything straight out of bed, now I tend to do v02 max a couple of hours after breakfast if I can, but I used to do it fasted too.
Sounds like you did a session the night before, then one in the morning, that's not going to help. I try and have a carbohydrate based dinner the night before, a good sleep then maybe a coffee and/or energy drink before or during the session, but TBH I'm not sure either of those did much. I found zone 2, SS and even threshold stuff was fine.
I'm sure it's partly down to individual physiology too, might just not be for you, or you need to get your routine dialled in and it'll get easier. Either way, try to create the ideal conditions, ie rest day before, well fuelled & hydrated, decent sleep.
Back on TR after a long break from cycling (in or outside). Trying to do intervals first thing in the morning is grim, do people manage them on an empty stomach or is that where i'm going wrong? Did an evening session last night which was a lot easier thanks to fuel in the belly but then couldn't fall asleep until late.
And have any track bike people tried something like this on a smart trainer?