A few random bits I have hanging around. If the prices are off let me know, I always want to list stuff fairly.
I don't mind dibs but I dont want to reserve stuff for people for too long without action so if you dibs please be serious about it.
Collection in SE14 New Cross. I can deliver locally, get in touch to confirm.
GARMIN 1030 - used a couple of times so like new. This was sat on my best bike last year and only went out here and there when the weather was nice enough for that bike (no more than 5 times). Haha. I now have the 1030 plus which I cant really tell the difference other than the colour. It has the basic mount, and the brand new heart rate monitor (other sensors are being kept). I will have a compatible charging cable and maybe a generic bulky up front mount should you wish. Box and etc included.
This was £500 last Christmas so would hopefully like £SOLD given the condition.
GARMIN FENIX 5 plus - Worn as my daily watch last year. ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT. It connects to all your sensors and you can record rides without needing a head unit as above. I found it so much more convenient as whatever bike I used I was able to jump on and go. If the bike has all the sensors and power meter etc then you still get the data if they're connected to the watch, otherwise you get the same functionality as a head unit on its own. This watch is partly why the above head unit never got used.
As for condition, I'm a very practical person so the face has some scratches. They dont impede the use or visibility of the watch whatsoever. These watches are super rugged and I think the glass is replaceable anyway. I stopped using this when I got an apple watch as I prioritise applepay and notifications over the GPS benefits of GARMIN.
Comes with the unique cable and box etc.
This was £550 and hoping for offers around £200.
Finally, Samsung TV 46" Fully working - Not smart and no TV tuner built in. I had this on a wall bracket and dont have the original feet (they're available online). Most recently I had it lent against the wall without any issues. Has all the usual connections HDMI etc. No aerial though. You can plug in hdmi TV tuners and consoles and computers etc. Comes with remote. Small scratch on the screen, not noticeable when in use but clearly visible when switched off.
Im happy to deliver this locally as I have a car. Hoping for offers around £100 delivered.
Hello all,
A few random bits I have hanging around. If the prices are off let me know, I always want to list stuff fairly.
I don't mind dibs but I dont want to reserve stuff for people for too long without action so if you dibs please be serious about it.
Collection in SE14 New Cross. I can deliver locally, get in touch to confirm.
GARMIN 1030 - used a couple of times so like new. This was sat on my best bike last year and only went out here and there when the weather was nice enough for that bike (no more than 5 times). Haha. I now have the 1030 plus which I cant really tell the difference other than the colour. It has the basic mount, and the brand new heart rate monitor (other sensors are being kept). I will have a compatible charging cable and maybe a generic bulky up front mount should you wish. Box and etc included.
This was £500 last Christmas so would hopefully like £SOLD given the condition.
GARMIN FENIX 5 plus - Worn as my daily watch last year. ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT. It connects to all your sensors and you can record rides without needing a head unit as above. I found it so much more convenient as whatever bike I used I was able to jump on and go. If the bike has all the sensors and power meter etc then you still get the data if they're connected to the watch, otherwise you get the same functionality as a head unit on its own. This watch is partly why the above head unit never got used.
As for condition, I'm a very practical person so the face has some scratches. They dont impede the use or visibility of the watch whatsoever. These watches are super rugged and I think the glass is replaceable anyway. I stopped using this when I got an apple watch as I prioritise applepay and notifications over the GPS benefits of GARMIN.
Comes with the unique cable and box etc.
This was £550 and hoping for offers around £200.
Finally, Samsung TV 46" Fully working - Not smart and no TV tuner built in. I had this on a wall bracket and dont have the original feet (they're available online). Most recently I had it lent against the wall without any issues. Has all the usual connections HDMI etc. No aerial though. You can plug in hdmi TV tuners and consoles and computers etc. Comes with remote. Small scratch on the screen, not noticeable when in use but clearly visible when switched off.
Im happy to deliver this locally as I have a car. Hoping for offers around £100 delivered.
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