Totally disregarding some questions I might have about the details of this (listed comprehensively by @TotalShanner), IMO £3.2k is at least twice the going rate, in any case. I could understand if it had been posted up at £1.6k (ask a bit more than you realistically expect to get, etc etc), but >3k?
The only (charitable) conclusion I can reach is that it's priced so it will sit in the warehouse for 18 months... :-)
Totally disregarding some questions I might have about the details of this (listed comprehensively by @TotalShanner), IMO £3.2k is at least twice the going rate, in any case. I could understand if it had been posted up at £1.6k (ask a bit more than you realistically expect to get, etc etc), but >3k?
The only (charitable) conclusion I can reach is that it's priced so it will sit in the warehouse for 18 months... :-)