For clarity I obviously don't have a problem paying tax (although fucking Boris could choose better ways to spend it). I would however prefer that more of it came from people who are richer than me and less of it from people who are poorer than me. (Rich is not the same as high income. Rich people don't even need to bother with income a lot of the time.)
This for me too. I'm not annoyed taxes are too high, but I don't think they're well designed, both in terms of the steps up in tax as people get more income, and in terms of how capital assets are taxed (or aren't, which is the problem)
For me personal taxes are not best set-up, but the real issue for me at least are corporations not paying their fair share. Can think of few to be honest, but is one that comes at the forefront all the times....making the owner richest person in the world.
For clarity I obviously don't have a problem paying tax (although fucking Boris could choose better ways to spend it). I would however prefer that more of it came from people who are richer than me and less of it from people who are poorer than me. (Rich is not the same as high income. Rich people don't even need to bother with income a lot of the time.)