I think it would if we wanted the rooms we use to all be the same temperature but I'm in a constant war with the GF who likes to open every window in the house when she feels slightly hot which completely negates the benefit of heating anything (I just realised the cold draft I'm feeling is because the bathroom window which is next to my study is wide open letting all the heat out of "my" area of the house and she's just gone out) whereas I hate the cold and wearing lots of layers indoors gets on my nerves. so the areas I inhabit all need more heating than the areas she does.
with smart trv in the "active rooms" they can all be set to varying levels of heat and turned on only at times they're needed (study at 10am when I start looking at what work I have on then controllable based on personal pref through to evening, living room only on in evening, dining room/gf's work area heated based on if she's in office that day or not and at dinner time, bedroom on at 6-8am and after 9pm) and things like hallway, loft room just set to frost protection on non-smart trv and only turned up if needed (i.e. outside temp is 0-2deg and trying to keep chill out of house). this way around I can heat any room to desired temp and all others below that temp will adjust accordingly to maintain their own settings or not react to the heating being on at all.
it's exactly what I want it's just a pricey undertaking.
I bought everything black Friday so cost me about £350 so understand bthe financial pain.
Doesn't tado do open window/draft detection? I've started closing doors in the day while home alone so the heating is more efficient. And if my wife opens all the windows i passive aggressively turn the heating into frost protection for 4 or 5 hours.
I would have thought having the trvs in the rooms used least would make most sense (don't heat those rooms unless needed or minimum temperature reached).
That's what I've done for my house on wiser