People’s view on measures now, compared to how it was in March and April 2020 are interesting.
Back then:
1 person from the household doing a weekly shop, changing clothes, showering, and then disinfecting the food packaging.
Everyone cooped up inside, or in the garden of you’re lucky, watching Joe Wicks doing his thing while eating defrosted toast.Now:
Being upset at having to wear a mask at a kid’s soft play party.
Talking to a friend who worked a lot in India before the pandemic. Something crazy like 50-60% of the people in the office there lost close members of family; often multiples (not dissimilar to @rodan and their experience).
It's easy, a year on from the start of vaccination programmes to forget how March/April 2020 looked in Europe and how the same has happened all over the world since. Those first 4-5 weeks of the lockdown seem totally batshit when you look back; TV pictures straight out of a Hollywood movie and people having no idea about transmission so washing anything that came into the house, changing clothes in their front hallways to avoid bringing covid inside etc.
The vaccine may not be perfect, but we're not all locked down in our homes wondering if we're going to kill ourselves or a loved one just by popping to the shops any more. Might be nice if we can give that "gift" to less fortunate nations (not that you're saying we shouldn't).