Their healthcare system was overwhelmed, far too few ICU beds, and they ran out of oxygen.
This is true. My brother-in-law lost nine members of his family. My wife’s cousin had to ask for money from friends and family so that he could afford oxygen when he was ill. Dreadful times, with pretty much the highest (recorded) excess death figures in the world, thankfully over now that they’ve had a successful vaccination rollout.
Because I didn’t think about it like that!
I’ll have a look later.
Absolutely there is more going on than vaccines only, countries with higher co-morbidities, high levels of obesity, timing of lockdowns and vaccine delivery, travel restrictions and so on.
Peru is an odd one out compared to the others.
I read this: https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2021/11/27/1057387896/peru-has-the-worlds-highest-covid-death-rate-heres-why?t=1641852143863
Their healthcare system was overwhelmed, far too few ICU beds, and they ran out of oxygen. Horrendous situation, basically what would happen if the NHS for overwhelmed.