Throughout the pandemic the bins on our street have been regularly collected whilst I’ve noticed those on neighbouring streets have missed lots of collection, with last weeks recycling collection not happened at all for all neighbouring streets even though ours did per the Xmas timetable.
Mystery solved I think as I saw who the owner of the Tesla down the road is; deputy mayor for London Heidi Alexander. Though she’s just resigned so I’ll report back if collections go to shit again.
Bin night / conspiracy thread crossover post.
Throughout the pandemic the bins on our street have been regularly collected whilst I’ve noticed those on neighbouring streets have missed lots of collection, with last weeks recycling collection not happened at all for all neighbouring streets even though ours did per the Xmas timetable.
Mystery solved I think as I saw who the owner of the Tesla down the road is; deputy mayor for London Heidi Alexander. Though she’s just resigned so I’ll report back if collections go to shit again.