Good luck!
Its generally understood that weight isn't the most important metric, but it is the easiest to measure and track progress with.
Body shape changes, whether by weight/fat loss or muscle gain takes a while, so more regular weigh ins might help remind you that you're going in the right direction?If you're controlling portion sizes, reading food packaging, or weighing your rice/pasta etc, then you might as well weigh yourself!
Have just found this thread, but I think it could be really helpful as I've been loosely making plans to trim back down. Also, very encouraging to hear so many people at my height, body type and weight with similar goals but also all the clothing and body image nuances / nuisances . I've always felt 'irregular' in terms of shape and almost never loved the way any piece of clothing has fitted.
Without giving you the full Ben Hur; I think I've put on an easy 10kgs, probably more since early 2020. Having reached I think my leanest mid 2019 at somewhere just below 80kgs. Have to say I'm not a fan of weigh-ins, I do maybe 1 or 2 a year at most. What a pair of scales say is much less important than how confident I feel in the form I cut and the clothes I own. Suffice to say I'm pretty grumpy atm.
Anyway, I've been riding far less and loathing the time / effort it takes to undertake said activity. I've also started eating sugar again since March 2020 which wouldn't have helped.
So, I've started running off-road a bit, as it's much simpler and far less time-consuming. I'm hoping that making it regular will be more efficient in weight loss / trimming than slogging around on the bike with a thousand pieces of kit.
Rough data:
Height: 185cm
Current Weight: guessing around 92kgs
Goal Weight: desirable 84kgs / ultimate 80kgs
Will update or report back with a legit weigh-in for accuracy and self-loathing fuelled motivation.