Isn't it basically a Gaggia-badged La Pavoni? Shouldn't be too tricky to pick up a bottomless portafilter for one of those. Though probably best to check if it is the same as a Europiccola, which version it's the same as (pre or post-millennium). The one I picked up is out of stock (and post-millennium so probably wouldn't have fitted anyway): https://www.theespressoshop.co.uk/en/La-Pavoni-Lever-Bottomless-Portafilter-Black-Handle-New-Group---2953010/m-2157.aspx
I've bought from these guys before and they were pretty decent, couple of pre-millennium offerings here:
https://coffee-sensor.com/product/la-pavoni-bottomless-portafilter-black-handle-old-gen-pre-mill-2953015-1165263/ -
I have a bottomless portafilter for my Pavoni but I switched back to the regular version because I no longer want to be confronted with my inability to get rid of channeling. It looks nice when you get it right but if you don't ~10% of the coffee lands on your wall and counter instead of in your cup. I don't believe it makes a taste difference per se, but it gives more info to further dial in your grind / declumping / tamping.
Grinder has gone to a new home - hopefully it will acquit itself well.
I think I'd quite like to try a bottomless portafilter, but I am buggered if I can find one for my machine - anyone been down this road before me and can comment?