Good timing! The Shelly and wall switch arrived yesterday, looks like a nice well thought out piece of kit once unboxed. I went about trying to fit it immediately, using the wiring diagram in the wall switch packaging, and it would switch the boiler on/off using the physical switch but not the app. I then switched to the wiring using the diagram for the Shelly 1pm with a standard physical switch and it would switch on/off using the app but not the physical switch. Furthermore, the little square on the light switch doesn’t light up when “on”, so the only way to know if the boiler is on is to go outside and listen to it.
I think bridging the connection between L and L1 might solve it, but tbh it’s just slightly off the mark so I refitted the timer clock and am pondering my next step.
Of course if you weren’t bothered with having a physical switch, then it would be perfect, but my wife is anti-tech so it needs to have a physical switch with an indicator to pass the WAF.
Dredge but how did you get on with this?