Yeah I agree with the polarization, not everyone is "I never take ANY vaccine COS "some completely utter nonsense"" it is far more nuanced than that.
Government distrust / information access barriers etc.
I got my booster as I'm still worried about long covid. There's no treatment for it and vaccines seem to cut the risk.
My hospital/death risk is low though according to an Oxford uni calculator.
Feels like the world is getting more and more polarized by the day.. You are either pro trump or anti trump you are either for all vaccinations or anti vaxxer. You either believe in climate change or you think its a hoax and regardless of what you think rest assured you are an idiot in the minds of those who think different. Hard to do anything about but sad just the same and not for the benefit of anyone.
Vaccines have obviously not been what we hoped them to be. At least not for me. Perhaps i had to high expectations. That does not mean they are useless or should not be used or that we should not have done what we have done up to this point. Going forward with an open mind seem like the right thing to do. I dont want 3 shots a year if it does not have great benefits and very litte downsides. Where that cutoff is made is up for debate. If we are no longer protecting our old and fragile and are mostly just protecting ourselves and overloading our healthcare i dont see the point of beeing so fast to shut down anyone who offers a different view at this point.