I didn't test it, but I did section it to have a look inside at the layup etc. I thought I posted the pics here but must have put them in the Orient Express thread.
It would have just had a conventional bag poked inside it, nothing exotic, hence the wrinkles in the resin. The white stuff is filler, presumably to give the bag something smooth to press against so it didn't pop. The grey stuff round the holes had us stumped for a while until one of the older laminators recognised it as a shoot-in consolidator which they used to use back in the old days when bagging wasn't quite as advanced. They used to have trouble getting the plies to consolidate into tricky corners like on the ends of wings, so they used to squirt a bit of this stuff in and it would fill the gaps in the mould when it went into the clave. He reckoned he hadn't seen that stuff for over 10 years!
Layup appeared to be +/- 45° UD on the main bit, so the post itself would have been strong enough. The concern was really around the clamp area as there didn't appear to be much material around the rearmost clamp hole!
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did you ever chop up the Ali express seat post and test it? that would make for interesting reading (for me at least)