is there a type of resin you can put a rawlplug in with screw as it sets then remove for fixing?
The resin will get in the plug and on the screw.
If you went that route, use something like a nail to push the plug in.
Either vacuum the hole (gaffer tape a thin tube over the end of the hose) or use something like a MTB pump (with thin tube) to blast the dust out. The resin might include a suitable tube as an extension to the nozzle.
It hardens more slowly in the cold, which is handy if you need to get more than one hole out of a nozzle.
But I'd take airhead's advice.
need to rehang a curtain rail at partners place that pulled out again, georgian build and the bricks seem to be either very hard or very soft, used wet-n-fix patches previously but new curtains are heavier and the shitty brackets act like a lever pulling out the top fixing leveraging against the bottom, its pulled out an area about 7cm across.
suggested filling and re-drilling to the side but thats been vetoed by the owner :-/
flat is going through the sale process and need to do this at the weekend before survey.
what product do i need to fill and re-drill? hopefully something i can order from amazon/screwfix so its there for me to use on saturday and not a 10kg bag.
is there a type of resin you can put a rawlplug in with screw as it sets then remove for fixing?