toying with converting my kepler to flat bars. it's currently running 105 5800 2x11 which i'd like to keep.
i've just procured a set of bars + levers + calipers so just need some shifters.
i quite like the idea of 'classic' thumbies rather than mtb style under bar shifters, however i may consider these at the right price if anyone has a set knocking about...
i think microshift sl-a11 is the part number i need?
toying with converting my kepler to flat bars. it's currently running 105 5800 2x11 which i'd like to keep.
i've just procured a set of bars + levers + calipers so just need some shifters.
i quite like the idea of 'classic' thumbies rather than mtb style under bar shifters, however i may consider these at the right price if anyone has a set knocking about...
i think microshift sl-a11 is the part number i need?