need to rehang a curtain rail at partners place that pulled out again, georgian build and the bricks seem to be either very hard or very soft, used wet-n-fix patches previously but new curtains are heavier and the shitty brackets act like a lever pulling out the top fixing leveraging against the bottom, its pulled out an area about 7cm across.
suggested filling and re-drilling to the side but thats been vetoed by the owner :-/
flat is going through the sale process and need to do this at the weekend before survey.
what product do i need to fill and re-drill? hopefully something i can order from amazon/screwfix so its there for me to use on saturday and not a 10kg bag.
is there a type of resin you can put a rawlplug in with screw as it sets then remove for fixing?
Can you tidy up the existing holes then fit a wooden batten across the length of the run fixed in multiple new locations, then fix the curtain rail to that?
That wall looks like it's made from mortar given the photo.
need to rehang a curtain rail at partners place that pulled out again, georgian build and the bricks seem to be either very hard or very soft, used wet-n-fix patches previously but new curtains are heavier and the shitty brackets act like a lever pulling out the top fixing leveraging against the bottom, its pulled out an area about 7cm across.
suggested filling and re-drilling to the side but thats been vetoed by the owner :-/
flat is going through the sale process and need to do this at the weekend before survey.
what product do i need to fill and re-drill? hopefully something i can order from amazon/screwfix so its there for me to use on saturday and not a 10kg bag.
is there a type of resin you can put a rawlplug in with screw as it sets then remove for fixing?