Meal variety is overrated. Stick to a couple of meals/choices that fit your diet. You really don’t need to vary the type of nuts and fruits you have in your morning oats.
Evenings are different (for me) but breakfast and lunch I'm pretty happy to eat the same thing most days. As much as I hate the concept of "food is only fuel", if I don't have a plan I can keep going without using much brainpower, it'll be petrol station pastries on the way to work and then whatever food truck is outside for lunch.
This thread is busier than I thought, great stuff!
Official start today, yesterday my wife and I spent the day hunting for and eating all the left over junk in our house, including approx 400g of chocolate, and drinking beer.
I now don’t want to look at or eat chocolate for ages.
Started by skipping breakfast, aiming for an eating window of 12-8, high protein, low carb today, get down to the true starting weight rather than holiday carb bloat.
Having done dieting far more times than I care to admit (though sometimes for martial art competition weigh ins) my general recommendations regardless of your diet or plans:
1) willpower is overrated. Remove all snack/domino foods/drink from your house. If you must snack or eat junk, make it a conscious choice.
2) don’t drink calories. Diet drinks, sugar free squash, black coffee/tea are acceptable. Not drinking a large latte and an after work pint might save 500 calories a day.
3) Meal variety is overrated. Stick to a couple of meals/choices that fit your diet. You really don’t need to vary the type of nuts and fruits you have in your morning oats.