I very much doubt I'd be able to do it with twins time or energy wise. Friends of ours have just had twin boys and it sounds tough. I've managed 90 mins training most days since Pippa came home a month ago. Christmas social commitments have actually been more disruptive for training. I invested in a decent home gym set up during first lockdown and quite a few workouts have been indoors with Pippa sleeping in her moses basket in the corner and when I'm back to work I'll have to integrate most of my training into my commute. Racing will be my biggest sacrifice I'll probably only be able to do 4-5 races where I've always done 15-20. My wife allows time to let me train because I'm either irritable because I've not been able to train or just annoying because I've got too much surplus energy and doing cardio makes me a bit more normal and slightly easier to live with my wife will be working from home after her maternity which will make life easier. I'm well aware that all my plans may go to shit at any moment but as a newborn her routine is fairly predictable and consists on mostly sleeping.
In fairness my boys were about 18 months when I had my most consistent training. That’s when I picked up shin splints though!
Double nap days meant I could get out every day because my wife was also WFH so would keep an eye on them.
Now as a rule they don’t nap. Wake up anytime from 6-7:30 and don’t go to bed until 7:15/7:30 by which point I’m knackered and can’t see much past cooking dinner and vegging out for an hour.
I don’t think I’m as driven as you though. And single babies are defo easier in the beginning.
I have twin boys just approaching 3. If you can still manage 6 days a week training I’ll be very jealous of you.