Get yourself one too, even try a longboard, they're great fun - I wish I'd never stopped 20-odd years ago.
My daughter is a similar age & always wants a shot of the cruiser that lives in the boot of my car - like @sacredhart says, start them off sitting / kneeling to get the hang of how it moves, then stand them up on flat ground & encourage them to shimmy it from side to side to practice balancing - don't be tempted to hold on to them to help them, instead of correcting their balance they lean on you & the board shoots out from under them & everyone end up on their arse.
My wee one will be "encouraged" to get into it next year once the weather dries up a bit - good luck!
Our 5 year old has a skateboard.
Any recommendations for getting them started?
I have never been on a skateboard in my life, so am going to be no help at all.