• #18302
• #18303
The ones I like currently from the local vegetable shop just says Cyprus, not sure if that's the name or origin. In Germany or Austria you can just have boiled potatoes with a bit of butter and they taste great, find that's not possible with any of the supermarket varieties here.
• #18304
find that's not possible with any of the supermarket varieties here.
That's why we've been chatting about locally sourced, organic, hipster potato varieties.
• #18305
bloody Brexiter
• #18306
Also Gmocchi
• #18307
hipster potato
• #18308
My allotment turfs up some pretty nice ones. Still got three or four rows of maincrop in the ground. No sign of rot or slug damage so far. A fair few carrots and leeks too.
• #18309
Rain collecting in my helmet then slowly but surely draining onto my back under my jacket via snood.
• #18310
Papas arrugadas are good.
• #18311
Dog memorial trees. As in trees on public land that have been festooned with trinkets and baubles commemorating dead hounds.
• #18312
Ah, so that is what those little bags are that people hang from trees....
• #18313
There’s got to be a good colloquial nickname for those, like ‘witches knickers’ for discarded carrier bags stuck in trees.
• #18314
No, this is a different kind of litter. Maybe a local thing, here is the only account of it I can find: https://looneyatoms.com/2012/12/26/travel-theme-festive-esher-common/
• #18315
Like easter but with dog eggs?
• #18316
The term "foody".
And soi-disant "foodies".
• #18317
Also the pretentious use of foreign idiom.
• #18318
Blimey. If there was something like that on a route I passed frequently I'd take a black bin bag with me.
• #18319
Food is essential to live we are all foodies and wateries and airies
• #18320
Do you wear a cap under your helmet? I've never experienced that and put it down to always wearing a cap. Just sops rain up like nobody's business.
• #18321
I do and and did.
Scottish rain is a special kind of soaking however and it always falls about 70km away from home.
• #18322
Ah, you may be beyond help I'm afraid. Have you considered a fashionable carrier bag?
• #18323
This was never an issue when I wasn’t follicular challenged.
Hair transplant reason 101
• #18324
I was about to suggest growing a healthy mullet, but that is now moot.
• #18325
Fox hunting/trail hunting