When I was, er, “researching” mine I was checking out all the OP sizes at the AD (this was 2019, when Rolex dealers still had watches). The black dial 34 in particular was so classic and surprisingly vintage feeling. That’s the closest you’d get now, with the modern bracelet and general indestructibility, 10 year service intervals etc.
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I get what you mean and they're lovely watches, no doubt about it. What does it for me though, is the plexi glass. Sapphire just makes it look modern and ''sterile'' in a way, comparing to the vintage piece which has that ''warmth''... maybe I just got a little too romantic about it, but just look at this...
Definitely, it's so perfect in it's simplicity. I would love for Rolex to still make watches like the 4 and 5 digit models.