I work at a fuel poverty charity up here and some folk couldn’t afford the transport to top up their key meter with our voucher so I picked their meter keys up, topped them up and dropped them off again.
Despite all the great publicity of Orkney being self sufficient and green (we produce 130% of required electricity in the islands) all of that is sold back to the grid and we have the highest rates of fuel poverty in the country. The ofgem annual price cap of £1277 annually is for an average home in the midlands connected to the domestic gas grid, and that is crippling families right now. I work with people paying twice that quite easily every day, it’s wild and getting worse!We wanted to go off grid anyway as wanted to only use what energy we could make, but all those figures sealed that decision for us. It would have been different for us with this well insulated a house but, price rises are coming again in April and not moving downwards any time soon..
@MTB-Idle thanks so much, pretty isolated here so nice to have folk following along!
Nothing changed today but figured you would appreciate a little update with a hanging trackshark! Turns out deda geco tape is grippy as fuck!
A sunny day riding trackbikes delivering emergency electricity topups to folk and cycling past our house in progress, not a bad Christmas Eve!!