It looks a bit all over the shop, but its got all the key elements that make this project exciting to me. It should, should clear 38's without too many problems, maybe even 45's if I get in on the dimpling. When I made this sketch (May, how the heck did I do this in May) My intension was to use this bike with flat bars to ride the south downs with some friends, do a little camping, a little beer drinking and have an all round good time. This meant I had to get the bike finished as soon as possible, which at the time, to me anyway meant running long drop caliper brakes, so I spent a bunch of time working out if that was even possible, and ordering fork parts off Ceeway to get a fork started.
That opens a whole new can of worms. I decided on making a fork. My first plan was to buy a steamroller fork and add canti mounts, the numbers matched, and I found a few on ebay for somewhere around £80- but there was something in that, that didnt sit right. So I spent £60 at Ceeway and got some fancy nice fork parts. Aside from solidworks, Im also lucky enough to have access to a smick prototyping lab (its got a brazing setup, a tig setup, a really nice mill and lathe, and more importantly, a Clint, a fabricator that knows more about making things that I will ever know). So once the parts turned up I got to work shaping. The setup went really well:
It looks a bit all over the shop, but its got all the key elements that make this project exciting to me. It should, should clear 38's without too many problems, maybe even 45's if I get in on the dimpling. When I made this sketch (May, how the heck did I do this in May) My intension was to use this bike with flat bars to ride the south downs with some friends, do a little camping, a little beer drinking and have an all round good time. This meant I had to get the bike finished as soon as possible, which at the time, to me anyway meant running long drop caliper brakes, so I spent a bunch of time working out if that was even possible, and ordering fork parts off Ceeway to get a fork started.
That opens a whole new can of worms. I decided on making a fork. My first plan was to buy a steamroller fork and add canti mounts, the numbers matched, and I found a few on ebay for somewhere around £80- but there was something in that, that didnt sit right. So I spent £60 at Ceeway and got some fancy nice fork parts. Aside from solidworks, Im also lucky enough to have access to a smick prototyping lab (its got a brazing setup, a tig setup, a really nice mill and lathe, and more importantly, a Clint, a fabricator that knows more about making things that I will ever know). So once the parts turned up I got to work shaping. The setup went really well:
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