The lag is longer from infection to hospitalisation although Omnicron might of shortened that
There is a period between a person being infected with COVID-19 and showing symptoms, during which they still might be infectious to others. This is called the incubation period. This is estimated to last between 1 and 14 days for COVID-19, and the average time to develop symptoms is 5 to 6 days2; 97.5% of those who develop symptoms will do so within 11.5 days of infection3.
Time from developing symptoms and being admitted to hospital varies, with age having the largest impact on the length of the delay. Median times from symptom onset to hospitalisation vary between 1 and 6.7 days depending on age and whether or not the patient lives in a nursing home4.
So later today, we will get admissions figures for 15th December. Lets say that it takes 7 days to catch Covid and get sick enough to end up in hospital. That means today's figures for admissions will be based on infections that happened on 8th December or later. That's still pretty early on to be showing decent info about Omicron.