In thermapen chat, I bought a One which came today. It's very, very well built (compared to my last - something for a tenner from Nisbets a few years ago). It's also got all sorts of clever things like being super fast/waterproof/auto switch on/off when you pull out the pen/auto sleep mode if you leave it open on the side (can tell if it's moving) etc. I would say 65 quid does seem a bit mad but hopefully it'll last 5+ years of heavy use.
In thermapen chat, I bought a One which came today. It's very, very well built (compared to my last - something for a tenner from Nisbets a few years ago). It's also got all sorts of clever things like being super fast/waterproof/auto switch on/off when you pull out the pen/auto sleep mode if you leave it open on the side (can tell if it's moving) etc. I would say 65 quid does seem a bit mad but hopefully it'll last 5+ years of heavy use.