Yeah I've taken a few tests this week too and they were all negative. Just got a text with the PCR result and that's negative too. Oh well, if I have a bad cold or the flu I'd rather not give that to my parents either so it's probably good I cancelled; today I've been coughing and sneezing a lot so would have gotten the whole train carriage ill too. I think maybe it's something my wife had last week and shrugged off after a couple of days but has hit me harder (which is what usually happens tbh).
Do you have any LFT tests?
Have covid at the moment (guessing omicron but who knows). Main symptoms have been back + leg pain. Plus some cold symptoms. LFT tests have been very accurate for me - positive results each time I've taken one.
Had booster a few weeks ago so I presume I'm one of the unlucky 25%. Though maybe it would have been worse if I'd not had it - really symptoms have been pretty mild and having to quarantine from family in bedroom has been worst of it.
Have had non-stop colds brought home from children's school over the last couple of months and all of them have been worse than covid for me.