Get Back is amazing.
(How could you hate ever TS?)Seeing the evolution of the Abbey Road medley. The creative energy and gentle power struggles of this band at its end, the deep understanding of the roots and influences that made them.
Their battle with studio vs live and its resolution.
And Billy Preston.
10/10 tv
PS what would Peter Jackson do with hours of dylan bootleg footage. I can only dream
I've just finished it, thought it was great... You can see that Paul is just filling the void, John's off with Yoko and not taking much of a leading role... Paul is being the dad, George the spoilt kid...
It was great to hang out with them all for three nights, I loved the Beagles as a young 'un it's only when I began playing music that I started hating them... Lots of very funny moments, I was smiling from ear to ear at times... 10/10