In the same way
I mean, for many reasons, it's not.
But it doesn't matter anyway. Because, and I use this term entirely unironically, of sovereignty.
Unless you are just comparing the Govt.'s ability to make you feel uneasy - in which case, sure.
The irony, of course, being that the intersection between those that purport to oppose vaccine mandates, and those that wholeheartedly support removal of statehood for
brown people"undesirables", is pretty huge.
I'm not exactly opposed to vaccine mandates, they just make me feel very uneasy.
Governments being able mandate something injected into your arm is a precedent. In the same way that the government created a precedent to strip people of their citizenship extrajudicially when they did that to Shemima Begum.
The only possible objection to vaccine mandates I can find, is the possibility of the precedent being used to mandate actual invasions of our bodies for less good reasons in the future.
Do I trust this government to mandate safe vaccines during this pandemic? Yes. Do I trust future governments to use this power wisely? No. That said, if the only way out of this is to vaccinate everybody then lets fucking do it. Door to door if need be.
I appreciate I am stretching so far on this I could snap.