The cost is for machine time really. The materials cost between SS and Ti will be much smaller.
Try Laser Prototypes Europe, they're my go to place for professional work.
https://www.laserproto.com/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAnuGNBhCPARIsACbnLzoCS21CA4VcdeTWZOpGL1fGT2quXJ5KsjSZqb82zSNQt2_Eg_d2wIkaAqEZEALw_wcBFor small parts in nylon go to 3DprintUK, https://www.3dprint-uk.co.uk/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAnuGNBhCPARIsACbnLzo-4X6gclrtsW0gQOAv72V77Y-6FF6fD0kcBJi64DYtT_ZEhLXCwbMaAtiREALw_wcB
Their polished black nylon parts are excellent quality.
Economy runs are 50% cheaper, but depending on demand, you might end up waiting a couple of weeks for parts, or it might come in 3 days!
The cost for the part to fix my SuperSix Evo* (or rather, stop it getting damaged by a crap design) is coming in at 40 euros delivered in stainless steel at Shapeways, or £90 delivered in Ti from materialise.com (oof).
Materialise would actually charge the same for the print in SS, so it seems that they're just expensive rather than it being about the cost of the materials.
Anyone got any suggestions for someone else to try pls?
Edit: I've just submitted quotes to 3D Alchemy and Protolabs for Ti so I'll see what they say...