Weight gyms should have inductions. I know it’s down to the individual to inform themselves, but we often don’t know what we don’t know.
E.g., guy at my high school who stapled himself to the ground doing squats not knowing he could (and should) dump the damn thing off his back when his rep started failing. I didn’t witness it so not sure exactly how it happened, but every gym user was made to sign a form the day after.
Weight gyms should have inductions. I know it’s down to the individual to inform themselves, but we often don’t know what we don’t know.
E.g., guy at my high school who stapled himself to the ground doing squats not knowing he could (and should) dump the damn thing off his back when his rep started failing. I didn’t witness it so not sure exactly how it happened, but every gym user was made to sign a form the day after.