• First duathlon tomorrow in the pouring rain and a Gale. Yey.
    Do people usually warm up both events or just run? I was thinking maybe bike rollers gently for 20-30 mins at home in morning (like I would for an evening bike race) to start legs waking up, but then only run at the venue to save soaking bike shoes etc.

  • Have you got time for a ramp to threshold ride on the rollers tonight? No need to ride in the morning then just do your usual run warm up before the race. Good luck and don't go out too hard from the gun if you know your paces just use your Garmin and stick to that. Duathlons go off really fast sometimes and it's really easy to wreck your legs in the first 2k of the run.

  • Thanks!
    Haha I will definitely go off too fast, I already know that! Luckily I have very little run fitness so I’ll be backing off after 1km.
    I rode this morning so won’t do rollers tonight, but I still might spin the legs early on tomorrow as I’m not racing until 11.
    Main worry is my useless dead hands being too cold to undo and fasten shoes once I finish the bike!
