Forgot to say, I had to queue for half an hour to get my booster today despite having an appointment.
There was a separate queue for walk ins, who were being processed intermittently. Some people were getting a bit grumpy with staff about the wait but it was actually moving pretty well.
Apparently there always tends to be a rush between 9am and 10am as so many people with apps turn up early on the off chance of being able to get to work sooner. Thats what somebody at this site in Lewisham said anyway.
Forgot to say, I had to queue for half an hour to get my booster today despite having an appointment.
There was a separate queue for walk ins, who were being processed intermittently. Some people were getting a bit grumpy with staff about the wait but it was actually moving pretty well.
Apparently there always tends to be a rush between 9am and 10am as so many people with apps turn up early on the off chance of being able to get to work sooner. Thats what somebody at this site in Lewisham said anyway.