After 2 x AZ, my Pfizer booster was a lot more painful - lasted about a week. Not debilitating, but certainly noticeable.
In other anecdotal people-are-idiots news: mrs-ru was due out for christmas girl's night dinner last night. One friend's daughter had just tested positive. She still chose to go and the others seemed OK with that. mrs-ru stayed at home as we have visits to parents etc coming up. Unsurprisingly, this morning the friend tested positive - after a night of hugging and close chat etc. People have got really blase about this now.
Is there any link between reaction to vaccines and covid itself?
Had Moderna booster yesterday morning. Neither that or either previous AZ shots have caused any sort of side effects other than sore arm where they were injected.
This one hurts a hell of a lot more than the others tho'. Can barely lift my arm above the shoulder right now. Anyone else found similar?