Ah ta. Had mine delivered a couple of weeks ago.
Did order the CPU and Motherboard from them last night though and it turned up this morning.
Was planning on building it this afternoon then remembered I needed the adapter for the Noctua fan before I could fit it to the motherboard.
So that's somewhere between Germany and here with nothing useful on the tracking... ah wellI'll have an Dell/Alienware Aurora with an 8700k in it that needs selling sooner or later. And potentially a little 8th gen Intel NUC, but I keep thinking I should be able to find a decent use for it as it's such a slick little bit of kit.
There is a load of this on sale on Scan atm. I just ordered another 16gb 3200mhz kit as it was cheap from Scan last night at 21:20, it arrived today at 11:11 standard delivery!