Who checked the party guests? Security companies, the police?
Because it would be rather interesting if the police KNEW there was a party and let all the guests in...
The people at a party, that may or may not have happened, were allegedly people that work at No 10 day to day so nothing unusual from a police perspective.
The people at a party, that may or may not have happened, were allegedly people that work at No 10 day to day so nothing unusual from a police perspective.
That might not be the case for all of the parties in question, but fair point. There'd still be a log of who was in the building and when though. If there isn't, its probably the only government office that doesn't operate one...
Who checked the party guests? Security companies, the police?
Because it would be rather interesting if the police KNEW there was a party and let all the guests in...
As for Cummings, how is his eyesight these days?